Check that targets file contains the necessary info in the right format
check_sample(sample.info, reference = NULL)
sample.info | character string giving the path to a tab-delimited text file with at least the columns <condition> (treatment condition), <sample> (sample name), and <file1> (absolute or relative path to the fastq or salmon quant.sf files). If fastq files and PE reads, then a column <file2> should also be present. If a batch effect is to be included in the design, then this should be identified under the column <batch>. |
reference | character vector specifying the conditions in order. For example,
c("A", "B", "C", "D") would mean "A" is the reference condition to which "B", "C"
and "D" are compared; in addition, "C" and "D" will be compared to "B", and "D"
will be compared to "C". If |